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A busy half-term holiday

Kara and Grandma - halfrterm holiday

And so another half-term holiday draws to a close.

It’s funny. We always say the kids reach half-term in desperate need of a break and some rest. And then we run them ragged for nine days before sending them back to school again.

The three-day bank holiday weekend that kicked off half-term was a case in point. Isaac went down to the New Forest with our neighbours and their caravan on Friday afternoon. The rest of us drove down separately to join them the following morning. We spent the day barbecuing (the grown-ups), body-boarding (the kids) and generally lazing around on the beach, then playing ball games on the campsite until dark before the five of us drove home. A 13-hour day spent outdoors – to say the kids were tired at the end of it would be a massive understatement.

Sunday was, not surprisingly, a quieter day mooching around the house watching films, playing games and squeezing in another barbecue.

Then on Monday we headed in to London to have lunch with friends – another barbecue! – before dropping off Kara at my mum and dad’s.

For her, that meant a couple of days of being generally spoilt rotten by her grandparents and uncle. They went to the zoo, the Science Museum and even squeezed in a dim sum lunch in Chinatown before I picked her up on Wednesday night to bring her home.

How much does she love staying with her Grandma and Grandpa? Well, judge for yourself from the photo above. She loves the freedom of being on her own and the centre of attention. It makes her feel more grown-up. And, of course, she has a genuine bond with her grandparents. I think she helps keep them young; she certainly keeps them on their toes!

And that was just the mid-point of the week. Things have been a bit more normal since then but it’s been a hectic half-term, just as it always is. On Monday they all go back to school. I suspect it will be a nice change of pace for them. They’re going to need another holiday just to recover from this holiday …


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