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My Sunday Photo: Chopsticks

I suppose I could probably have titled this post Brothers in Arms as well.

The boys and I went to Gadget Show Live for the first time this week and had a fantastic day. What’s not to like? Games consoles, cars, drones – all the latest consumer technology was there for them to get their hands on.

Literally hands on, in many cases.

There are few things that please me more than watching Isaac and Toby enjoy something together. Isaac has been learning the piano for about a year now, so when he had the opportunity to get his hands on some fancy Korg keyboards, he was straight in there. But so was Toby, and for a few blissful minutes I watched quietly as the pair played side by side.

Okay, so they weren’t actually playing Chopsticks. But it might as well have been. It reminded me of that scene in the Tom Hanks movie Big, when he plays first Hoagy Carmichael’s Heart and Soul and then Chopsticks on a giant keyboard in FAO Schwarz, which is to New York what Hamleys is to London.

A giant walk-on piano? Now that would be quite a gadget to have around the house. I wonder where I can buy one …


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