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My Sunday Photo: Once, twice, no times a lady

Sometimes Kara is a perfect little princess, polite and charming and a model child who you would happily take to tea with the Queen. And sometimes she isn’t.

Our youngest child adores Frozen and princess dresses. She loves Strictly and dancing. But equally, of our family of Thunderbirds fans she is by far the most fanatical. She has the best throwing arm of our three kids. And when I have to stop one of our children from beating up one of the others, the victim is invariably our oldest, Isaac, while the perpetrator is always our youngest, i.e. Kara.

I wouldn’t have her any other way, though.

Kara may love purple but she is no shrinking violet. She takes on the world head on, isn’t afraid to speak her mind and, on balance, provides us with many more moments of delight than frustration.

Okay, so this week’s image doesn’t exactly capture her at her most ladylike. And neither do the two images below: the first of her screaming at me that she was absolutely *not* playing hide-and-seek with me (having quietly hidden herself away in the spare bedroom), while in the second she’s merrily photo-bombing my attempt to take a picture of a proud Isaac with the Victoria sponge he had spent half the afternoon making.

Yes, she’s a right royal pain in the you-know-what sometimes. And perhaps I wouldn’t take her to a royal garden party at the palace. But I’ll have a tea party with her at home any day.

She may not be a lady but she is daddy’s little princess.


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