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Best of 2015: My top 15 photos of the year

A picture, as the saying goes, is worth a thousand words.

Every Sunday, I post an image and a few explanatory words over on Darren Coleshill’s ever popular My Sunday Photo linky. It’s a great way to quickly discover a little about what other bloggers have been up to. But for me it’s also a weekly reminder to capture images that freeze-frame those little moments in time that words cannot fully do justice to.

From the 52 weekly pictures I have posted in 2015, I have selected my favourite 15, presented here in chronological order as a photographic summary of our family’s year.

1. Birthday fun

Our children bring a lot of laughter into our lives – and into each other’s too. This was taken at Toby’s fifth birthday party. I’m not sure what it was that made Isaac laugh so uproariously but it made for a great shot.

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2. So you think you can dance?

Little did we know it at the time I took this shot in February but dancing would become a key feature of our year. Toby’s not so much dancing here as pogoing without a pogo stick but his enjoyment is obvious enough.

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3. St Paul’s in reflection

A boys’ trip to London during the Easter holidays allowed Isaac, Toby and I to travel by car, Underground, DLR, cable car and taxi all in one day. It also allowed me to capture this unusual shot of Toby gazing upon one of the city’s best known and most photographed buildings.

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4. Tree trio

Just like any other family, some days our kids bicker and moan and wind each other up constantly. And some days they do this and we remember why we had kids in the first place.

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5. Big brother, little sister

Oldest and youngest, brother and sister. Isaac is a sensitive, caring soul at heart, and this photo summed up for me the relationship he has with Kara. Hopefully he will always be there keeping an eye out for her.

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6. Like an old married couple

Isaac also has a close relationship with Toby but they will bicker and compete as all brothers do. Sometimes it’s like listening to an old married couple – and occasionally they look like one too.

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7. Devil-may-care

I’m sure being the youngest of three is a big part of it but Kara firmly believes there is nothing that her brothers can do that she cannot do too. She jumps into everything with both feet. Sometimes literally.

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8. I want to tell you a story

Stories have always been a key part of our bedtime routine and we’re lucky that all three kids love to read. On some nights we even get a little help from Isaac, who takes great pride in his reading ability.

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9. A view of Mont Blanc

We had our summer holiday in the French Alps this year and had a great time with old university friends and their three kids. Needless to say the scenery was spectacular but I was particularly pleased with this shot of Mont Blanc, not least because I managed to grab it in a narrow window during which the summit wasn’t obscured by cloud cover.

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10. Snow White and the Seven Schoolkids (sort of)

Yeah, I know. Come early September everyone posts the obligatory back to school photos of their smiling kids carefully groomed and posed in their new uniforms. This year, Isaac and Toby were replaced by Grumpy and Scruffy.

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11. On your bike, son

He may not be the next Chris Froome or Bradley Wiggins but Isaac does love his bike. He goes out on longer rides around town but we’re lucky that our house is at the far end of a quiet cul-de-sac, giving us a safe expanse of tarmac on which he can practise his skills and play with his friends. It’s one of my favourite things about where we live.

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12. A girl on a mission

Woe betide anyone who gets in Kara’s way when she sets her mind to something. That look of determination and the purposeful stride are so characteristic of our daughter. She’s a real force of nature and – challenging though that can be – we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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13. You’ve been framed

Towards the end of the year, we had some professional photos taken of both the kids and all five of us and were delighted with the results. This was my favourite image, a rare instance of all three kids smiling for the camera with their eyes open. Now if only they would do that for me instead of constantly pulling faces …

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14. One girl and her dog

Kara has a scowl that could usher in a new Ice Age but when she smiles she lights up a room. Here she was delighted with the toy husky she had been given on our visit to LaplandUK.

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15. Strictly Come Thatcham

All three of our children suddenly discovered Strictly Come Dancing in a big way about halfway through this year’s series. Saturday nights were soon all about recreating the dances and scrutinising the judges’ scores. Both boys were really into it and surprisingly good – given that their father has two left feet and the flexibility of an arthritic elephant – but Kara is the undisputed queen of the dance floor, showing off a full repertoire of twirls, dips, jumps and slides. Thankfully her Grandpa has proven to be a willing partner.

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And that’s my photographic review of our family’s 2015. It’s been fun looking back through all my weekly photos as a reminder of everything we’ve done this year. What have been your highlights?

You can see all my My Sunday Photos via this link.


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