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I’m going to BritMums Live!

I will be joining the small but growing number of Y chromosomes attending BritMums Live 2015 next month.

As part of the run-up to the event (which is being held in London on June 19th & 20th), attendees have been encouraged to write a personal introduction to help those of us in danger of showing up and being Nobby No-Mates to get to know some of our fellow bloggers in advance.

So, here I am.

Name: Tim Liew (although I will also answer to “Oi, you!”)

Blog: Slouching towards Thatcham.

Twitter ID @thatchamdad.

Height: 5’10” (6’1″ in my heels).

Hair: Black but increasingly flecked with strands of white, and stubbornly uncooperative.

Eyes: Brown.

Is this your first blogging conference? Yes! There’s nothing like throwing yourself straight in at the deep end. I’m painfully shy at the best of times, so no doubt I’ll be cowering in a corner pretending to be deeply engrossed in my phone.

Are you attending both days? Yes. I’ll be there nice and early on the Friday and looking for people to join for lunch. As you’ll no doubt spot from my waistline, I’m a five-star pro when it comes to doing lunch …

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2015? Finally meeting in person some of the many bloggers I have come to know and enjoyed interacting with online.

What are you wearing? No idea. I can’t tell you what I’m going to be wearing this evening, never mind in over three weeks’ time. Odds are it will be something fairly pricey that, on me, will look like it has come from the bargain bins at Matalan. I am many things but a clothes horse is not one!

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015? New friends. A few nuggets of practical inspiration I can put into immediate action on my blog. And, for the first time in God only knows how long, a Saturday morning lie-in! (Yes, I’m that sad.)

Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before? I’m a total newbie as far as blogger events are concerned, so all I can really offer is the reassurance that you’re not alone in that respect and, to state the bleedin’ obvious, to make the most of what should be a fun and informative two days.

So that’s me. If you see me during the two days, do come and say hi. I shouldn’t be hard to spot – just look out for the heavily perspiring overweight Oriental bloke.

I’ve added this post to the I’m going to Britmums Live linky, where you’ll find introductory posts from many of the other attendees. I look forward to meeting many of you there!


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