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Something for the weekend: Toddler trials and tribulations

It seems like a lifetime but it wasn’t so long ago that I was tearing my hair out chasing after uncontrollable toddlers.

This week I’ve picked out two posts that brought those memories flooding back. The scars may have healed (just about) but the memories aren’t that far beneath the surface. See if any of this seems familiar to you …

Exposed: the toddler battle plan – Snoozing on the Sofa

Like me, Scott is a 40-something dad with three children, although his are all boys and slightly younger than my kids.

While the trauma of chasing around after tiny toddlers is now a distant and fading memory – they’ve been replaced by a whole new set of traumas – Scott is currently experiencing what it’s like to be worn away by a toddler’s persistent drip, drip, drip of Chinese water torture tactics that makes the Terminator look like a weak-willed dilettante.

His post, Exposed: the toddler battle plan, is a letter of commiseration to fellow parents who know exactly what it’s like to have their lives turned upside down by young children.

You can follow Scott on his blog Snoozing on the Sofa.

The Five Stages of Toddler Discipline! – The (Mal)contented Mother

Aileen has just the one child, a 17-month-old son, and she’s honest and thoughtful about the ups and downs of parenting a toddler.

In The Five Stages of Toddler Discipline! she compares the various stages a parent goes through when trying to keep a toddler under control to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s famous model outlining the five stages of grief. It’s well observed and well worth a few minutes of your time.

You can follow Aileen on her blog The (Mal)contented Mother and on Twitter @AAFew.

If you have any suggestions for great posts by other bloggers you’ve read this week, feel free to add them in the comments below.


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