Something for the weekend: Ups and downs and dodgy search terms

Many of the best blog posts leave you nodding your head in agreement because they voice thoughts that many of us have had and can empathise with. My two picks this week did exactly that.

Mummy Says

I love Kiran’s writing style. It has a fluid, lyrical rhythm to it that sweeps the reader through every line of her beautifully crafted prose.

This week she wrote about what she didn’t know about motherhood before becoming a mother. The ups and downs. The agony and the ecstasy. The beautiful moments that make the bad times and the constant lack of sleep worthwhile.

The DADventurer

Dave’s tales of his (mis)adventures as a new father of one (two if you count the dog) regularly make me laugh out loud.

Earlier in the week he shared his thoughts about some of the weird, wonderful and downright perverted search terms people have used to arrive at his blog, imagining who these people are and exactly why they type what they do into Google. We’ve all wondered that too, right?

Although I really want to know how ‘dog sucking boobs drinking milk’ led someone to his blog …

If you have any suggestions for great posts by other bloggers you’ve read this week, feel free to add them in the comments below.